[Decklist] Posched Eggs!!
Nothing to see here for MH fans :p
So I was going to rant about the hate on combo and how it is unwarranted.... but its 1 am and i am going to snooze, so I will rant later.
For now, it being the end of the easter month (well if you play MH the great egg hunt is ending in 5th? May), and a slew of GPs/GPTs? coming soon, lets bring out an eggy bogey man!!!
Posched Eggs!!!
Actually its Poached Eggs. A deck I found in the mtgsalvation forum.
It was an attempt to revive eggs after Second Sunrise was banned. It did'nt quite work out though, as it was alittle slow and there was no consensus on the correct composition.
If I recall correctly, it started a few weeks after the ban. Languished for a while and then about half a year later had some interest and then it died down again.
I did'nt quite follow the thread after that, but i did store the list I liked in my handy app.
The premise was was essentially:
Now that Eggs has lost the Second sunrise that gave it its consistency, how can it be modded to be competitive?
Note that it did'nt lose too many cards, but it did lose the one card that gave it enough speed to be viable.
Having sunrise as a possible turn 3 play means that it is able to undercut the fundamental turn 4 (even if that is rarely the optimal play, but it does let you take your chances)
Taking that aways means you now have your combo gutted. Kinda. There is faith rewardsm which is used as sunrise 5-8.... But the deck now has to use it as sunrise 1-4 with Open the vaults as sunrise 5-8. Thats is a very far cry, with faith's rewards being a turn 4 play and open the vaults weighing in at a hefty 6cc.
The double w was never an issue since 2nd sunrise was 1ww
Anyways the thread trying to revive eggs was looking at more sunrise effects and Krark-clan ironworks. the revival effort also forsook the use of sleight of hand, I think the original had 8 1cc draw/filter spells, Serum Visions + Sleight of hand.
The problem is speed.
Ironworks kicks in at 4cc
And as mention sunrise effects now start at 4cc and 6cc
The deck was kinda polarised between being an eggy deck and a krack-clan deck (I am not actually sure what this is, only that it is centered around Ironworks :p and not necessarily utilising sunrise effects)
Anyways it kinda died down and it may even be up now but I did'nt go look.
But I have always been tinkering with the deck on the app. I like combo decks as you can play sollitaire with them. So mucking around with the eggs deck was something I did on an adhoc basis.
So whats new?
I just suddenly felt that hey! Ensoul Artifact seems like a good ways to gum up the floor or give a good clock if available! (I was actually messing with ensoul artifact decks and just went lateral for a while... since well eggs was full of cheap artifacts, and I was wont to ensoul a blind pithing needle during the recently passed Standard)
So I stuffed it in and voila!
It was poached eggs originally, but there was a typo and I though it looked cute so thats what I am calling my variant :P
Its totally untested but
4 x Faith's Reward
1 x Noxious Revival
4 x Serum Visions
4 x Reshape
1 x Sleight of Hand
1 x Open the Vaults
1 x Scalding Tarn
1 x Plains
7 x Island
4 x Ghost Quarter
2 x Darksteel Citadel
1 x Hallowed Fountain
1 x Misty Rainforest
4 x Ensoul Artifact
1 x Pyrite Spellbomb
1 x Mind Stone
4 x Conjurer's Bauble
3 x Krark-Clan Ironworks
2 x Chromatic Sphere
1 x Prophetic Prism
3 x Lotus Bloom
4 x Chromatic Star
4 x Ichor Wellspring
1 x Mox Opal
Labels: decklist, eggs, magic, magic the gathering, modern, poached eggs, posched eggs