A Magical Huffalump Resides Here: January 2017

A Magical Huffalump Resides Here

My name is Ed, I am a programmer. Just another dude with another blog. I like MTG, Open Source (more towards FREE software). I like sports, and eventually I hope to do business and do good for the world in general. This blog is gonna be about Magic The Gathering. Decklists and snippets will be posted here. It may lead somewhere or nowhere, as with all things arcane, that was bloody obvious =)

Sunday, January 08, 2017

MH 2017 New Year's Event

Hmm apparently there was an event! I might totally fail this I think, starting now though :p

1. Hunt Christmas cheese
2. Hunt fireworks + wrap gifts
3. Once ready to fly hunt until at least 30 fireworks before taking flight.
4. Rinse and repeat until you have deployed 200 fireworks...

Alrighty event ends on 10th Jan, hopefully there is an extension :/

Happy Hunting ppl!

[20170108 17:43]

Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.

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