A Magical Huffalump Resides Here: King Kat!!

A Magical Huffalump Resides Here

My name is Ed, I am a programmer. Just another dude with another blog. I like MTG, Open Source (more towards FREE software). I like sports, and eventually I hope to do business and do good for the world in general. This blog is gonna be about Magic The Gathering. Decklists and snippets will be posted here. It may lead somewhere or nowhere, as with all things arcane, that was bloody obvious =)

Friday, May 15, 2020

King Kat!!

So this is Cat deck that I just built on Arena.

Granted. How I built this was by buying a shit load of packs and then opening all at once.

Which is probably a stupid thing to but whatever. I just wanted to see whats in Ikoria and start durdling with the cards. I also partly wanted to see how far 99 USD gets me. Hmmm I actually can't really tell yet. But I think its bad :p.

Probably should do the 70 draft thing before ripping open all your packs.

Anyways my deck in any case is something simple. Its a Cat deck. And thank God, one of the rares is Kaheela, the Orphanguard. My companion of choice for this deck.

I kinda randomly spent 10 minutes with Cats as my theme, and stuck a bunch of removals and cats together and voila!


My main removal is divine arrow (I hated that card in WAR, mostly cos it killed the Pengasus 0.0) but its cool here. The art is different.

It is mostly a rehash of Ajani Pridemate but with his cat buddies.

Now I do not think this deck is very competitive. It is probably extremely budget. You likely do not need to spend 99 usd, all that did was give me a full set of the commons I need I think :/

But I think right now I have the advantage of surprise? As the cards are still new, companion is new etc.

Oh did I mention the deck has squirrels? Yes! Squirrels! They either get first strike or flying. I normally go with flying since this deck is an offensive deck.

Pacifism is a welcomed tool. The charmed stray is this deck's life link bird that can grow biggar!! But without flying. But Kaheela pumps up the kitties ya, so its all good.

Light of hope has been an all star, from kill opponent creatures or doubling!! the damage output of the charmed stray (easy since it is just a 1/1) it is awesome. Plus it destroys enchantments and or can gain 4 life in a pinch and upgrade the pridemate at instant speed. Very awesome really.

Blade Banish and The Wanderer can suck at times when you face weenies or tymera the terrible? the 2/x demigod. But it has sucked less than it has not sucked. So far.

Anyways I think I need 1 sweeper. Unfortunately I did not open much theros so I do not have shatter the sky :(

Solid is footing is awesome.... until I cast Kaheela... which gives vigilance to all my kitties (and squirrels... oops nightmare).... then it kinda sucks so just be aware. Otherwise a flash permanent +1/+1 is pretty rad.

Last but not least Cubwarden is awesome with mutate. Essentially it is a hasty 3/5 when you mutate it on a creature. And then it makes more kitties w00t! Lifelinking too!

Overall I am in love with this deck so far.

Has Kaheela been oppresive? So far I think not... it makes my deck suck less, that is for sure. Having a 3cc 3/2 at my beck and call allows me to keep shady hands. Like all removal or some shit like that, since I KNOW I will have a threat. Then again so does my opponent. I think the creature and abilities will play out very differently depending on what they actually are and what deck they are fed in.

For instance for Kaheela, most times you do not need to play her as soon as you can. You can hold her back in case of a shatter the sky. Or you can go in for the kill if you happen to get a turn 3 4/4 lifelinker. (turn 1, kitty, turn 2 kitty + some +1/+1, turn 3 Kaheela!, turn 4 Cubwarden!)

So it gives flexibility and allows more playable hands.

Now of course not all companions will be so innocious. Some are higher powered (I still think Lurrus can be overcomed, I am an optimist :) ) . But probably WOTC need to think carefully about the IMPRESSION that companions will give on the outset before they are adapted to. Lurrus I fear is overly biased against to be saved. :(

At lease we still have Kaheela!

This deck probably sucks. I am normally not ambitious and will just keep losing till I meet someone who loses more than me. The wonderment of ARENA :p But I think magic is more fun when one can accept losses and change. And maybe that is for all the bruces out there to ponder about. In fact most veteran Legacy or Vintage players don't really care about the meta. It is already changing too fast. It is the Legacy boomers that have brought their bad habits from modern into Legacy and Vintage. :(

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