A Magical Huffalump Resides Here: July 2007

A Magical Huffalump Resides Here

My name is Ed, I am a programmer. Just another dude with another blog. I like MTG, Open Source (more towards FREE software). I like sports, and eventually I hope to do business and do good for the world in general. This blog is gonna be about Magic The Gathering. Decklists and snippets will be posted here. It may lead somewhere or nowhere, as with all things arcane, that was bloody obvious =)

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Gobs and Dragons!!! Oh My!

Well, my Japanese Goblins and Dragons just came in =D

Kinda sweet.

Oh yah and here are my twenty Chinese Dragons =)

I like the alignment lol

Eight on the left vertical, 8 fanned out, 3 fanned out and 1 singleton

Saturday, July 14, 2007

MTGO Cannot Install ?

Yay me I solved or rather I managed to get the stupid MTGO running... grrr

Could'nt really find any help any where and wizards customer service is'nt too helpful either.

Anyways here is the fix if you cannot install MTGO recently circa 070714 Magic Day =)


Instructions below follow at your own risk.



I solved it.

well at least to the point that I can log into the MTGO account =)

what you need to do after downloading that mtgodl2.exe file is to rename it.

It is a stupid zip file. so just rename the extension to .zip and unzip it.

go to http://mtgodownloads.wizards.com/mtgo/

Do a flashgot all if you have flash got, if not just down load everything there, but you do not need to download everything in the directories.

Actually you are targetting magic1.exe But I downloaded everything, so I dunno if it will work for you if you only download that.

Copy all the folders in the data folder (after unzipping mtgodl2.zip) past them in the folder where you downloaded from http://mtgodownloads.wizards.com/mtgo/ then run magic1.exe

I got that far and managed to log in.

I do not know if will have any bugs, if any one knows please let me knoe quickly I am just messin' with the comp so I dunno if there will be side effects.

Follow at your own risk =P

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Slivers and Poisons Oh My!

Poison has come of age!!!!

Well not really.

But at least now it has a 2HG limited format win under its belt.

The driver for this is the combination of both slivers and poison. Virulent sliver being the perpetrator here.

Slivers has always been a tough nut to crack in 2HG, due to the fact that people usually don't draft it (or draft thingies over it). With poison, slivers now have a sucker punch for its opponent and thats usually after having to deal with the numbers or size of the slivers already in play.

Now the reason I am excited enough to blog is that it just hit me (things always hit me, I am getting a headache already..) that poison and to a lesser extend slivers need more resources(or time, depending on which is available). In a 2 headed giant format, you do not get more time (or put another way the games is not slowed down, think Mercadian Masques), but you do get more resources, since now each "side" is playing using 2 hands 2 land drops, draws etc.

Which struck me as interesting, because I think this is a facet of design. Poison and LD (Land destruction) have always suffered from a "all or nothing" syndrome. Imagine 1/1 + evasion + poison 1 + non targetable. This means poison, will kill 2 times as fast as regular damage. Broken, given the right spells and creatures (which is why a poison critter's stats are always nerfed, wotc wants to err on the right side, which is also the reason for poison's poor rep as crappy strategy). LD has a more concrete example. Think the difference between Sinkhole and Stone rain. Big difference right. All just due to a 1cc increment.

Which means any given strategy can be thought of as having a time facet and a resource facet. How much time does it take the strategy to set up? How much resources? Note that though clearly tied, resource and time are quite different animals. Slivers and poisoners require critical mass or evasive capability. Time is not really an issue, in fact slivers and Poison usually kill double time ;)

There's probably more to be said, but thats all I have right now.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Upwelling ... The Deck

Well now I want to build a deck and Xth is just around the corner. Upwelling is in X so that is some cool =)

Here is how Upwelling works.

I also want to talk about duh. Future Sight and Xth (since the spoiler is out).

And i also want to post about my Mana Drains and chinese Slaughter Pacts!

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