A Magical Huffalump Resides Here: October 2014

A Magical Huffalump Resides Here

My name is Ed, I am a programmer. Just another dude with another blog. I like MTG, Open Source (more towards FREE software). I like sports, and eventually I hope to do business and do good for the world in general. This blog is gonna be about Magic The Gathering. Decklists and snippets will be posted here. It may lead somewhere or nowhere, as with all things arcane, that was bloody obvious =)

Monday, October 20, 2014


Theres only like about a week left before the end of October, but generally the event will go on for a bit after that...

So if you are late to the party like me, no worries you can still catch up!

There is'nt too much new in terms of game functionality.

1. You go through the corn maize (10 tricks, 10 treats)
2. Then the Haunted Manor (20 tricks, 20 treats)
3. Finally the Pumpkin Patch (39 tricks, 39 treats)
4. Oops did I say finally? At the end of each trick or treat stretch of Pumpkin Patch, you have a "trick" mini boss and "treat" mini boss.
5. The BIG BAD. The One. Uno Horribibo. Something bad. *cough* Anyways this year its the Mousataur Priestess.

The fun thing is all the past boss mice can be caught in the Pumpkin Patch (I think).

The nice thing is that you can decide your progression. If yo want to move through the Haunted Terrortories, use the event cheese. Else using normal cheese you can sit there til kingdom come =)

Hmmm actually i found this really nice picture guide!!

This was my set up as I was collecting brain bits.... I am not sure for what.

But now I am actually on a treasure map (dropped from the Mousataur Priestess), the important thing to remember is that some mice on the map need the spooky charm to be armed to be attracted. (like the Hollowed Mouse) So save your Spooky Charms for maps or tournaments!!!

Also for the Spooky shuffle game, my advise is to just save everything till the last day. It is a memory game.... its alittle odd I guess that you play on the last day since most of the loot is event stuff... but if you play while you have few tickets, you wil likely not optimise your looting ;P

This is my current set up to catch the Hollowed mouse!

After this treasure map, I think I will hunt with regular cheese in the Pumpkin patch and see what I catch...

Happy Halloween Hunters!

[20141108 11:33]

The Halloween shops will close on 11th Nov dev time! So trade in your candies and cobwebs and finish off your Spooky Shuffles soon!

What to get in the shops? Just get whatever you need the most at the moment!

Be it crates of ingredients for the Tribal Isles or scrap metals or artisan charms or something for the Cursed/Lost City!

If you are ambivalent?

I normally go for a mix of :

Warpath commander charms (which can be upgraded to Super Warpath Commander Charms!!)
I have a soft spot for 2x AMP charms since I love the Zugzwang Tower area for tournaments.
Cackle Charms (for salts for Dragons for tournaments)
Dreaded Charms (for the Dread Jungle tournaments)

You notice there is a focus on tournament stuff when I am ambivalent =)

This is true for Tribal crates as well =) (Else you will need to farm before entering a tournament)

The cobwebs I normally just convert to Ultimate Luck/Power charms. Which one is totally up to you. I do a 50/50 split. (I am one of those power proponents, so I believe in the power of power :p which is kinda borne out by the Tritus and Aotd catch rates I think....)

Anyways Happy Hunting ppl!

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