King's Giveaway!
After two years (or three?) its back!! I think.
Anyways here is the link
I was actually going to just ignore it and do my hunting in Claw Shot City until this happened:
Then I realised. I should'nt be shortchanging myself.
There are a few problems with my setup.
1. I was using the weakest LAW trap.
2. LAW power type is already one of the weakest since it is still in infancy
So whats a miffed mousehunter to do?
I had to do a few things.
1. Use my bestest setup. So that if and ever a Leprechaun mouse were to appear, at least I had the best possible shot aimed at it.
2. Do something useful while I am at it.
So Monstro is the highest power and luck trap for me. The Sphynx may have been better if I am gunning for gold. But the least aggravating thing to do now for me (plus I get to stock up delicious stones for future Tribal tournaments!) is to hunt in Derr Dunes. Where I cut my teeth with the first gen Rhinobotters. Fun times. Of course, with the monstrobot it is ALOT less painful. Can't complain I guess =)
And this was what I got some time later.
I guess I was lucky. Since I just caught a relic mouse too! Oh and as of NOW. The relic mouse will be in Derr Dunes for the next 9 hours or so.
Happy Hunting =)
[20131126 21:49]
Oh I really like the Regal Charms:
I crafted the Giveaway theme!
Hmmm I can't say I am a fan of the MonstroKing Skin.....
[20131126 22:26]
I guess the new theme is pretty =)
[20131126 22:31]
And I appear to be on a roll...
[20131126 23:00]
Now, if you are wondering why they rate of attraction for prize mice has fallen, apparently it was addressed in this week's FBF.
Apparently the number of prize mice is fixed. Several thousands of the newer prize mice and for mobsters and Leprechauns only a few hundreds. Something like that. So since most of the mice have been caught, you attract less. Its fairly logical. =)
As for why some people get multiple attractions. I dunno it might be the same mouse in the area? It used to be the mouse would follow you from region to region. And the same mouse if uncaught will keep getting attracted to your trap. I think it still happens, but the attraction is less now.
So what does that mean? It means the real hunt for the leppy happens NOW. Previously the deluge of prize mice means you actually have less chances of getting the leppy prize mice. Now this is a very big assumption of course. If the mice population in a region is divided into 5 parts and 1 part is prize mice of which 50% of that 1 part is leppy. IF the number of "lesser" prize mice is caught but no new normal regional mouse is sent to replace. Then your chances of getting a leppy is actually higher now! However. It is more likely the slot is replaced by a regional mouse.... STILL. Your chances of getting a leppy now is either better or the same =)
So the hunt is still very much on, my fellow hunters =)
Happy Hunting!
Oh btw the event officially ends on Monday, I suppose Canada time =)
[20131130 12:55]
Labels: 2013, King's Giveaway, MH, Monstrobot, MouseHunt, skin