Mousehunt: The Great Winter Hunt 2015 has begun!!!!!
Actually I am not sure :)
I was just kinda bored and meandering as usual and chanced upon this!
As you might have noticed I am stuck towards the end of a tech labyrinth run.... so It is probably a day or two more before I get in on the GWH! =)
But theres nothing stopping you Hunter!!!
Go get em'!
[20151216 01:23]
In case you are wondering. You can travel to the GWH event and still come back to your Labyrinth run where you left off.
I left my Laby run for a bit and then went back, no harm. Not in Zokor, so I cannot try that, but should be alright too I think :)
[20151216 03:09]
Well now that took awhile.
But over the past week or two, I have almost completed this years Christmas event!
I will put up a walkthrough soon. I do apologise for the slackness.... but RL is alittle busy right now :/
In fact I have only just figured out what the event is about lol
Oh yeah. Merry Christmas Hunters!!!! =D
[20151225 00:49]
So this is where I am now:
So what is the point of this years event?
It is a little confusing to be honest. I guess if one sat down properly to read, it would not be an issue. Unfortunately that was a luxury I did not have, so I just armed and ran with it with minimal info and just played by ear.
What was the minimal?
Arm cheese :)
Now thats not so bad if it was'nt Arctic Asiago. But arming that is an ABSOLUTE waste of cheese if you have not started the event games. Arming with regular cheese is fine tho, arming with festive cheese is ... hmmm I guess better at getting Asiago??? I think.
Anyways the point is.
Step 1: Get Arctic Asiago!
Now it is possible to run the race without Artic Asiago, and you could run with other cheese, but it is less one speed point and when you are just starting it is rather painful.
Better to just farm the Asiago first then make the Toboggan races.
When in doubt just sit and arm Gouda. If that sucks arm some festive cheese other than Asiago. Or SB+ is good too. Arm something. Except Asiago.
Oh crap I did not even make clear this year's event's name. :P
Its The Extreme Toboggan Challenge!!!!!!!!
Now with that as its name, this year's event is all about racing against an "enemy" mouse.
Your Rival.
There are multiple tiers:
You can view each tier as:
Green Circle Tier
Blue Square Tier
Black Diamond Tier
Double Diamond Tier
And the final Tier.
That has no name.
Just a challenge against the very famouse but obscure..... Rainbow Racer
So five Tiers.
Each tiers have several "regions", this is probably to accomodate everyone.
You race against a different rival mouse in each course. Oh! The fifth tier does have a name! Silly me, Of course its the Orange Rectangle tier :)
In order to access/unlock the next tier you need a certain number of upgrades. For example the final tier requires that you have at least 8 upgrades.
Now .
We have talked for so long but we are only in step 1.
Step 2: Launch
Although I have played for a while so my HUD (heads up display) is now different. But it should be similar to a brand new slate. i.e. the "Upgrade" is grayed out and the "launch" is red.
Always check if you have upgrades. If you do it will be a green "Upgrade" button:
Always upgrade before you launch. As you will not be able to upgrade once you launch. Also make sure you have enough Artic Asiago before you go on a race.
How many is a good number?
Sincerely I cannot answer you, as I had 700+ left over from last year. So yay lucky me that Asiago is the main cheese this year :P
But as a rough guide, I now have only 400+ cheese, so a run could easily hit 100 cheese I would expect. Depending on the size of your race.
Green Circle Tier XXXm
Blue Square Tier XXXm
Black Diamond Tier 180m
Double Diamond Tier 350m
Orange Rectangle Tier XXXm
For the Green Circle and Blue Square Tiers, you probably should assume 1-3 meters per hunt kind of speed.
Now you probably ask "speed huh?"
So each hunt you advance in a race by a certain distance. i.e. your speed. Your starting speed is 1. 2 if you arm Arctic Asiago. 6 if you arm Arctic Asiago AND use nitro boosters (+4).
When you catch a mouse your speed increases by one. I do not know if it has to be a festive mouse to get an increase in speed. I suspect it is though.
So how many cheese? Let settle that before we go too far with the race.
It really depends on your tier, but I think 80 to hundred is a nice number. For Green and blue tiers I suspect you really want the starting amount of cheese to be closer to the distance especially if you do not use Artic Asiago. With Asiago you roughly reduce the number of hunts required by half.
However with the later tiers after a few upgrades you use a little less cheese as your speed is now faster!
So thats for cheese.
Anyways back to the race.
You can speed up or slow down during a race:
If you fail to pass them it becomes an exclamation mark instead of a tick. You also notice that to over come the "hazards", you need certain upgrades for instance to over come the Ice Patch you need the Ice Skis upgrade to your Tobbogan. Note however that having the upgrade only gives you a better chance to avoid the hazard, but it is not a guarantee. i.e. it is still possible to get your speed reduced by 4 even though you have the Ice Skis upgrade!
Some hazards are pretty nasty like this below:
If you are in the green circle or blue rectangle stage/tier, you might want to save your tobbogan nitro and only use them when you have accumulated enough to beat the rival mousse of that tier.
This is true until you upgrade your tobbogan with the Nitro beaker upgrade. (I believe it is in the "special" category of upgrades).
Some things speed you up. These are bonuses! The 293 shows the distance it is at. So for example, I have already gone past it. It was at 293, but my current position is 306. In this case the Speed Pad increases the distance traveled when I passed it by 3 and increases my speed by 3!
Here is another view (note that it is a different instance).
Sometimes there is loot as well!!! (Which is also a bonus!) Notice that both bonuses and hazards may require upgrades to reap the bonus or to avoid the hazards!!
In this case to reap the benefit of the "Floating Crate" you need the Snow Cannon upgrade to your Tobbogan!
We will talk about upgrades in the next step!
Remember! Each race/challenge you take up against the enemy mouse has a reward at the end whether or not you win. When you just started, you are just accumulating stuff!!! So losses are fine! You just might not want to use the Nitro boosters yet. You however will want to use Artic Asiago. Winter charms and the like are fine, use them later on when you have the Nitro Beaker addon as you get double! If you have alot of spare winter charms then sure, use the charms to attract the snowflake mouse which drops Nitro Boosters!
May your loot look like this!
Step 3: Upgrade!!
We talked so much about upgrades. This is what they look like:
Step 4: Other notes and Rinse and Repeat!!!
You should try to advance as fast as possible... however I always tried to get one upgrade more than required before i advanced to the next tier. For example the black diamond tier, i made sure I had four upgrades before I attempted it ... thought that might be because one of the upgrades was in special, i think it was the one that occasionally gave an extra Asiago =D greedy me lol
I think it got alot easier once you unlock the Nitro Beaker.
Any festive charm would do, this is a good time to pull out all your old charms :) for example this is my setup:
This is for the Hollow Heights category of the Black Double Diamond tier. Note that the trap depends on the region category you choose, example if it is a Sunken City region category you need to use Hydro etc.
So I am using the winter spring charm from god knows when :)
Also if you are into maps:
note not all mice are available so check (by clicking on the trap effectiveness):
I only started contributing to the map when I reached Hollow Heights! =D
DOn't forget to click the Advent Calendar!!!
I think thats about it.
Thats all for the "how to play the event" bit.
Just launch a race, collect loot and rewards, upgrade yout Tobbogan as often as you can rinse and repeat.
What is a the purpose again? I was a little confused.
I think originally the prize was that little snowflake at the top left corner:
You get a trap bonus until end jan next year I think.
For some reason there was no L.E. stuff this year. There is still a trophy once you defeat your Rival in the orange tier with all upgrades.
So I was really confused what was the end goal :)
Luckily this just came in (I think... I only just noticed it :P) :
So there are some L.E. Bases!!!!!!! And what they look like below :)
I am glad there are some L.E. stuff to work towards :) But it looks like they tied it with the new Year event as well!
So stay tune hunters!!!
Happy Hunting and a Merry Christmas!
[20151225 04:37]
Oki. I just found out the Santa Claws mouse can only be caught at the Orange Rectangular tier. At other areas you will need Nutmeg cheese to attract him!!
[20151226 01:03]
I am not sure what else is there to say about the GWH2015....
except that for certain mice you might need special charms to attract them, for instance the Hoarder mouse gave me some problems in the map as it was only attracted by Hoarder charm.
So if you seem stuck in your maps, do some research on the missing mouse, maybe... just maybe you are on the wrong course ?!?!?!
Happy Hunting ppl!
[20160102 19:46]
Ah... when will it end??
This post in the forum is helpful!
[20160102 19:51]
Oh oh I got something to say!
if you upgrade the toboggan totally:
You get the journal :) Which is kinda nice I guess!
The Great Winter Hunt 2016 ends on 12th Jan 2016!!! So you have about 6 days more!
Happy Hunting ppl!
[20160106 01:03]
Don't forget to play the Snowball Showdown ppl!
I think today is the last day.
[20160112 01:45]
Hmmm this year's Snowball Showdown cannot be optimised :P
Its over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't forget to use all your snowballs and cash in your advent chocolates!
I cashed in mine for Ultimate Festive Power Charms!
Labels: 2015, Extreme Tobbogan Challenge, Great Winter Hunt, great winter hunt 2015, GWH, GWH2015, L.E., limited edition, MH, MouseHunt, nutmeg, Santa Claws, tobbogan
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