A Magical Huffalump Resides Here: Furoma Run 2015

A Magical Huffalump Resides Here

My name is Ed, I am a programmer. Just another dude with another blog. I like MTG, Open Source (more towards FREE software). I like sports, and eventually I hope to do business and do good for the world in general. This blog is gonna be about Magic The Gathering. Decklists and snippets will be posted here. It may lead somewhere or nowhere, as with all things arcane, that was bloody obvious =)

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Furoma Run 2015

Well... this is'nt technicall a full run, since you you start at the

1. Training Grounds
2, Dojo
3. Meditation Room
4. Pinnacle Chamber


Actually come to think of it I think the Training Grounds is skippable. Only for getting supplies. Hmmm.

So scratch that I kinda doing a full run :)

This is my current setup:

So when should you do a Furoma run?

Some things might have changed since Furoma first came out. Catch rates for the kitty seems lower for instance (There was a time when catching Mojo was extremely easy). Also i think the returns for the epic? orbs or is it Divine orbs? Are lower these days.

Still, Furoma is the best area for gold farming last I heard. If you do not have the kitty (Sphyx Wrath) you can still attempt if you have at least a trap better or equal Rewer's Riposte. (This may or may not be correct since, like i said they adjust catch rates, my experience are all from memory... alas! I is old fart)

If not, or if you found out that traps rates have been adjusted such that only the kitty is viable, so worries! Another area that is great for farming gold (as a rough guide it is profitable for Lord rank and below) are the Trains in Varmin Valley

Anyways this is just to track my current run

my gold is currently at about 1 mil, after buying lots of orbs.... no reason, I just thought they were cheap... I probably should'nt have done that with halloween so close :p

Happy Hunting ppl!

[20150802 11:10]

Hmmm reading the forums, it would appear that the B-Rift and W-Rift are pretty good for gold too. Althought someone mentioned that if I wanted piles of gold but no points, Furoma is good.

Now I don't know if that means Furoma is still top dog for gold only. If so then I would still hunt here, but if not I might be better off in B-Rift or W-Rift.

I could just go to the Horntracker I guess, but I think I will stick it out and do my Furoma runs for now :p

Maybe once I hit a substantial amount of gold then I will run off to B-Rift and W-Rift to get my points up!

[20150802 11:55]

Unfortunately i am easily distracted I am now actually back on the Treasure Chest hunt!

The map had only one mouse left and it was something I was kinda positioned to catch? So I decided why not?

Will be back on to Furoma after this!

[20150802 20:03]

Alrighty! Back in the Dojo!

[20150804 16:36]

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