A Magical Huffalump Resides Here: Spec Ops 5 is out!

A Magical Huffalump Resides Here

My name is Ed, I am a programmer. Just another dude with another blog. I like MTG, Open Source (more towards FREE software). I like sports, and eventually I hope to do business and do good for the world in general. This blog is gonna be about Magic The Gathering. Decklists and snippets will be posted here. It may lead somewhere or nowhere, as with all things arcane, that was bloody obvious =)

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Spec Ops 5 is out!

Apparently the hero is Valkryie

Task 1 is to defeat 3 prisoners

Heros to send for deploy: Kitty Pryde (though you might want to do this one as soon as you see it as the 2nd task will require it)

Task 2 complete a deploy (if you deployed Kitty before asap, then you just need to do one more fight and task 2 is done!)

Next deploy: random
Next deply: Wolverine!!

Task 3 defeat a mini boss in mission 1 (wreacker I suppose =) or Pile Driver)

Next Deploy: Beast!!

Task 4 defeat 3 Jotun

Next Deploy: Storm!!!

Task 5: defeat Enchantress (she is the boss for mission 1)

Task 6: research the mead horn! (BUT it is not researchable???)

Edit: It is now researchable, but I had to close the browser...

Anyways 8 hrs research so there =)

If you finish all the fights in Mission one (including Deploys), the Epic Boss is The Destroyer!!!

Task 7: Collect 10 isos!

Task 8: Defeat a mini boss in Mission 2 (Thunderball)!!!

MIssion 2 Deploy: IronFist!!

Task 9: Use Valkryie's Dragon Fang 3 times

MIssion 2 Deploy: Thor!!

MIssion 2 Deploy: Any!!

Boss for Mission 2 is Executioner!

No Epic Boss in Mission 2 !!!

Task 10: Get 2 star Mastery for Mission 1

Task 11: Upgrade Laufey's Knife to Needle!!

Task 12: Defeat the Executioner (Boss in Mission 2)!!
Task 13: Collect 3 Distress Calls!!!

Task 14 take 2 Asgardians into Battle!!!

Task 16: Upgrade Odin's Stick to Staff!!! or something like that anyways it took 2 days good lord.

Task 17 use Valkyrie's Self Sacrifice ability!!!

Task 18 Defeat 5 Loki!!!!

Mission 3:

3 deploy any
1 deploy Hercules
1 Deploy Ben Grimm!!!

Task 19 Collect 20 ISO!!!!

Task 20 Defeat 4 Wreakers
Thunderball in M2, Pile Driver and Wrecker in M1

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