Happy Valentines Day!
So its Valentines Day!!!
well actually its already 15th here and but likely some where in the world its just hitting 14th (or ending but at least still in 14th =P)
Anyways, there is an EVENT!!!!
Small one that will last at most a day or two more.
Just some mice, Juliyes, Romeo, Romeno, Valentine mouse and the forever alone mouse!
main attraction appears to the new tournament style.
its an event full of corn for everyone =P Like lets all get alone! Together! w00t!
It is officially a S.A.D day as well! Single Awareness Day, for all you A.P.T. (thats Acronym Phobic Tortoises for you !!) out there =P
Anyways seriously I think its just a test drive thing for Solo Tounraments!! as well as couples apparently, I think thats cute =)
Enjoy ppl!
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