Modern rant 20190202
One of the worst things that wotc could have done is to kill KCI outright. No doubt it was a little strong, but is a combo deck not allowed to dominate? Thing is it is consistent, and has placed but it is hardly a combo winter, it is just spiking once in a while and in fact the phoenix deck mowed through two KCI? The last win was a cop out since the KCI player had to leave.
One might argue that KCI is overpowered and the only reason thw Phoenix deck won is that it too was overpowered.
Therein lies the rub. When does it end? We just keep banning ? Which is fine really the more things change, the more they stay the same 😅😅😅 if you have followed my post from the past, i have predicted that modern is a format of flux, with frequent bannings to facilitate the flux and maintanence of some ideal (as opposed to letting the meta find itself).
Which is kinda awesome I guess 😅😅😅
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