A Magical Huffalump Resides Here: Chesla

A Magical Huffalump Resides Here

My name is Ed, I am a programmer. Just another dude with another blog. I like MTG, Open Source (more towards FREE software). I like sports, and eventually I hope to do business and do good for the world in general. This blog is gonna be about Magic The Gathering. Decklists and snippets will be posted here. It may lead somewhere or nowhere, as with all things arcane, that was bloody obvious =)

Sunday, April 27, 2014


This will document the long and ardous road to a Chesla trap =P

I really want a Chesla Trap. Mostly because the ZugZwang Tower is one of favourite sites in the MH map. I do not actually think I will NEED a Chesla Trap (I mean the area is a Lord area so....). But it is neat =)

Any ways here is the mice to be caught for the first map that I am trying (A few friends actually started an earlier one, but I was not able to join =P  you might remember the recent endeavor was the Varmint Valley which was full of posters, which counted as maps).

So far my partner in crime has caught the very Iconic Acolyte mouse =)

Uncaught mice

Bear Mouse
Blacksmith Mouse
Chameleon Mouse
Conjurer Mouse
Conqueror Mouse
Sand Cavalry Mouse
Magmarage Mouse
Effervescent Mouse
Flutterby Mouse
Icicle Mouse
Infiltrator Mouse
Mage Weaver Mouse
Magma Carrier Mouse
Master of the Che...
Mintaka Mouse
Mystic King Mouse
Mystic Rook Mouse
Ooze Mouse
Pie Thief Mouse
Swarm of Pygmy Mice
Pirate Mouse
Polar Bear Mouse
Princess Fist
Ravenous Zombie M...
Riptide Mouse
Seer Mouse
Siren Mouse
Stinger Mouse
Vampire Mouse
Yeti Mouse


Monk Mouse
White Mouse
Dwarf Mouse
Acolyte Mouse

Here hoping I get lucky, I think I got my last Limited Edition Map Trap (The Gauntlet Trap) on the 5th map... but for the Chesla, I've seem people go 60??? with no Trap. I hope I have extreme DLU. =P

[20140427 22:35]

I thought I should point out that this is the season two treasure chest limited Edition trap, here is more about the 1st edition which was "phased out" earlier this year =)

[20140504 22:13]

As of today, the only mouse left is the icicle mouse =)

Actually we were pretty quick having only this mouse left was actually almost a week ago. In fact it was still summer... we are currently waiting for winter to catch the icicle mouse =)

I also went through a  ZZT tournament, doing a triple run (at least I think thats what its called, where you catch both kings, and the chessmaster =)) TWICE within the two day tournament =) It was personally impressive =P

I managed to get my team to an 8th position, despite being 1/4 in terms of number of teamates being in the tournament. So have hope! To be honest however if any of the 4/4 teams worked harder, they could overtake me easily =/ I was lucky =)

The tournament had only 25 participating teams, so the cut off was tight, onky 12 and above would be in the money.

We had a slight issue with Princess Fist, I did'nt know it was random. One of my teammate says he has already ran the iceberg twice... I then caught it in a matter of hours (I happened to be close to the end of a segment and hit the general portion pretty quite. I was lucky enough to get the dear princess and caught her on the second hunt. And Riptide did'nt pose too much difficulty, since the tide flood and ebb cycle was complete within the day.

The other mice were done away by the team, one of the non-team but on map hunters cleared a fair bit, so that was helpful =) With everyone chipping in, we were actually done pretty quick!

So ... now here we are just waiting for winter. =)

Heres hopin' the chesla shows =)

Running the ZZT tournament, I realised I missed it and I knew its ins and outs. It was pretty much my domain... but alas it is not a place to stay for points now for my rank. Still the tokens are nice =) And I enjoyed being able to triple run it =) TWICE! no less =)

Happy Hunting ppl!

[20140507 21:34]

Alas this did not end well.....

8:36 am - Seasonal Garden

So I start off anew!!!!

Black Widow Mouse

Brimstone Mouse

Chameleon Mouse

Chitinous Mouse

Conqueror Mouse

Derr Chieftain Mouse

Sand Cavalry Mouse

Magmarage Mouse

Diamond Mouse

Dojo Sensei

Effervescent Mouse

Elven Princess Mouse

Harvest Harrier M...

Iceblade Mouse

Icicle Mouse

Infiltrator Mouse

Lady Coldsnap

Monk Mouse

Nibbler Mouse

Ooze Mouse

Pie Thief Mouse

Swarm of Pygmy Mice

Pinchy Mouse

Polar Bear Mouse

Princess Fist

Puddlemancer Mouse

Ravenous Zombie M...

Riptide Mouse

Stickybomber Mouse

Student of the Ch...

Student of the Ch...

Technic Rook Mouse

Tiny Mouse

White Mouse

Yeti Mouse

[20140707 20:55]


The Chesla!!! it be mine!!!!!

This was the 4th or 5th Map I think. This one was a Living Garden Map, before that I must have tried 2 to 3 normal maps, afew ardous a few commons. This was a common. All were upgraded with dust!.

The King Grub was the last mouse!

Can't wait to try it out in the Seasonal Gardens!!

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