Mousehunt Tournament Tips
Tournaments are just starting... well actually its been a few days.
For tournament administration stuff you can go here =)
My team has been through quite a few tournaments and we were also in the tournaments the first time round.
Now the caveat to this post is that my team is rather casual. We are hardly ever at full strength and our target is normally the top 50%.
All said. Tournaments are not really for the casual mousehunter =P
You WILL need at least one member in the tournament taking the anchor role and hunting regularly or at least set up some kind of schedule for team members to take turns at helming the run.
I've been with my team for a while and I like the fact that we are casual (mousehunt is just a game afterall). Still I am seriously considering adding in the fifth member to at least plump up our active members during a tournament.
I only fear the resultant unhappiness (which I actually doubt will happen). But I do hope to have everyone in the team progress and do not mind if a member is inactive and still is in the tournament as he/she will still gain the points. And the sporadic horns are still valuable.
What to do?
Anyways, if you are like me, in a team where it is quite casual and you are the only hyper active (I just missed an entire tourney myself, Good Lord, so I am no better =P) member *cough*. Then this article is kinda for you , but even hardcore tournament wannabies can also take a leaf of two from here =)
So... some tips:
1) Get a tournament which has enough time for everyone to join in (give about 12 hrs ++)
2) Get one with a longer duration 12 hrs to 1 day
3) Get a tournament where there are 100 pt mice
4) Somebody needs to be an anchor
5) Everyone should try to log in once per hour if possible
6) Try to get a tournament with amplfier (now known as endurance - which is'nt out yet as of this writing)
7) Strategise!!
oh not enough?
well I'll elaborate then =)
1) Get a tournament which has enough time for everyone to join in (give about 12 hrs ++)
This is largely because my teammates are a little international, so getting consensus is difficult. So normally I will just choose one tournament then invite them to join =)
2) Get one with a longer duration 12 hrs to 1 day
Again related to the international nature of the team. We sleep at different times and have work etc etc (we are really a casual team =P) So the longer the duration of the tournament the more likely we will be active at some point =) Whats the big deal about that bit of activity you might ask? It brings us to point 3)
3) 100 pt mice. This format is really built for the casual team, an off chance horn can blow you a NY mouse or Party head! giving you 100pts. That is a tremendous buffer to gain on other teams. its all luck, its all random , its all good =) Tournaments where the mice pts are very close are supremely difficult for casual teams like us, so the 100pt mice give us a leg up. Incidentally this is also tied to point 6)
4) Anchor Boy! For all the hope that I am giving you that a casual team can survive in the very competitive tournament environment... I lied, you still need at least one commited hunter. This is especially important with 6) . In the future when the mice composition becomes more varied, strategies will involve anchors in the meadow! =P No I kid you not. by then you probably need 2 active hunters unfortunately =/
5) Logging in once per hour keeps your "presence" which means the anchor will still take the inactive hunters on horncalls, giving much needed points. EXTREMELY important for endurance tournaments.
6) Endurance tournaments are not out yet, but how they work is as follows: there is an amplifier, and with each hour it goes up by 1 (up to four), to maintain it, there must be at least one successful catch per hour. Simple enough right =P The amplfier is a multiplier to the pts given by a mouse. so 1 pt becomes 4pts, 10 becomes 40, 100 becomes OMG =P The key is maintaining the amplifier. Even the top teams will falter due to differing time zones and sleeping times. Which is why my team is so strange, we were built for endurance =P Tho we are really casual and the best position we ever ended with was 8th hehe. but like I said we are hardly ever at full strength =P
7) Strategise! You need to know what mice are there and what are the best ways to get the best mice. it might the location or the bait, or the difficulty of catching the mice. Different members may have differing strengths and should catch the best mice they can. And then there is the anchor =P The anchor's role is to sit in the meadow and maintain the amplier (actually the first step of every top team is to go to the meadows to "charge up" the amplier, then the anchor stays there =)) The mice composition will change for each tournament. If in doubt, take a look at where the top teams are to get some clue =D
Thats my very vague two cents for tournaments =) You probably will not hit 1st 2nd or 3rd very often if at all, that will require all members to be dedicated (not impossible but difficult and generally I don't like being around competitive ppl too much and being on tilt all the time =P). But it is probably enough to get you in top 50% most of the time =)
Which is why i am really hoping the gold base will not actually require a gold trophy =/ If it is just grinding for tournament tokens, my team is still up to it, but if it requires a gold trophy, .... I am gonna need that 5th member soon =P
Heh if my team members ever read this? no offense intended at all, I love you all still even tho we never did hit gold ;)
--------------------- 20120108 22:50hrs
Now something interesting about how the ranking in a tournament is done can be found in this link
Initially all teams with the same point got the same prize, but the prize was not limited.
e.g. there are three top prizes, gold,silver,bronze.
If 3 teams tied for top position with the same points, they all get gold! And the batch of teams with the next highest points get silver and so on. =D
Now though it works more normally. If 3 teams tied for gold, they all get gold still, but no silver and bronze, the next 25% (of the total number of teams) get te competitor badge and so on. More fair definitely, but less prizes of those of us less endowed =P
Note all these are true only as of now. It may change =)
----------------------------------- 2012 01 13 07:06
Tournament Hall and King's Arms are open!!!!
Erm the King's Arms are literally that... arms lol
Oki.... lets see, you reall should go look for your self it pretty cute, everything =)
King's Arms
- Nothing new here I think its the new Prize Shoppe =P
Tournament Hall
- General Store
- Champion Charms
- Various Champion Kits (like the King Credit Shoppe but classier =P)
- Champion's Ring (which looks like its just a collectible)
- Mouse Statutte (Apparently it appears in the camp page?? not sure how that will work =))
Trap Smith:
Bronze Tournament Base ( 300 Power )
Power Bonus: 5%
Attraction Bonus: 3%
Luck: 5
Cheese Effect: Fresh
The Bronze Tournament Base is a reward for hunters who have shown they are capable of competing in hunting tournaments.
When armed alongside a Champion Charm, in addition to the charm's luck, this base glows with an extra +2 luck, for a total of 10 luck
Requirement: 25 tokens
Silver Tournament Base ( 400 Power )
Power Bonus: 10%
Attraction Bonus: 5%
Luck: 7
Cheese Effect: Very Fresh
The Silver Tournament Base is a reward for hunters who have shown not only their ability to compete in hunting tournaments, but their dedication to winning tournaments!
When armed alongside a Champion Charm, in addition to the charm's luck, this base glows with an extra +3 luck, for a total of 13 luck!
Requirement: 80 tokens / Bronze base
Golden Tournament Base ( 500 Power )
Power Bonus: 15%
Attraction Bonus: 10%
Luck: 8
Cheese Effect: Extremely Fresh
The Golden Tournament Base is a reward that is renowned as a symbol of a seasoned tournament competitor. Only the most dedicated of hunters dare set the goal of obtaining this opulent base.
When armed alongside a Champion Charm, in addition to the charm's luck, this base glows with an extra +4 luck, for a total of 15 luck!
Requirement: 200 tokens/ Silver base
Various Skins
If you are thinking of saving Tokens, just to buy only the Golden Tournament base, you can't. The preceding base is a requirement! =P
Thats way better than requiring a Gold Trophy! Thanks Devs! =D
Happy Hunting ppl!
[20140427 22:45]
Its fairly amazing when you track what you write and all... well and if you update and link them all =P
So I FINALLY got my GTB last year... during the Christmas hunt when there was a Tournament token bonus....
Sadly the endurance effect was never built into the current iteration of tournament ( the previous iteration had it, and out team was kinda build to have that advantage) so our plans did'nt pan out and I often had to go solo as my team kinda got caught in real life =P not a bad thing mind you.
Still going solo was often difficult and some practical tournament tips:
1) Prepare.
Thats all there is. Oh wait there is another:
2) Manage your expectations
Maybe I should have listed this point as number one... but oh well =P I think its important to manage expectations. Things like what is the expected result and how much effort you and your team wants to put in. I think the stronger team are probably harder on meeting expectations and it is only to be expected, they are playing for the top prizes. For casual teams, usually the expectation are lower as real life takes priority.
I will normally prep my team to tell them we are likely to hit 50% or we are probably not gonna make it.. or we gotta bail. Thats the cost of being casual I guess =P In the old tournament, you get at least 1 token for joining and completing the tournament. Sighz I wished they gave tokens for hitting 10% of what the top team got. Most of the time I can hit about 20% of what the points the top teams get.. but because we miss the 50% mark we get nothing =( All this negativity needs to be managed. Especially if you value your team more and switching teams is not an option =P Importantly, don't play the blame game.
Now back to point one, "prepare":
You got to prepare, often a tournament is lost just by a lack of preparation. Understand the tournament and how to best get the points. If you are like me, often a soloist. Check if it is even possible to compete. Many a tournament I have found that I need at least one other partner to hit above 50%, or me being solo, I need some horns from my teammate to reach past 50%. Lastly, check if you are going to have to go all nighters and decide if that is really something you want to do? If yes, setting 15 minute timers is a good way to go 24/7 else choose a friendlier tournament. Its no fun hitting with 51% and not getting anything. Try to get at least one other active teammate. The rest should still join (if there are places) because:
a) They get tokens too!
b) Even if they are really not interested in the tournament, whereever they hunt, they will bring you along!
Lastly I believe in Karma. Be nice to others, if you join a tournament try to wait till it starts before leaving =P the reason is that it makes getting past 50% easier for who ever is left in the tournament. Yes it does sound like a cheap way to try to get tokens, but after getting in the 51% a couple of times... I think you do whatever you need to do, so long as you are not actually breaking the rules. =)
And I should also confess that for the Christmas hunt, I managed to get two other active players, so we were much stronger and fully benefited from the bonus, though our target was just 50%. We invited the rest of the team where the slots were available...the large push for tokens was largely with an active group. There was'nt must strategy... so this post is a little moot going by this para.... STILL I am still doing a few tournament these days. One of the active has gone inactive (baby and all) and the other is active but less so.... and we still hit within 25% and 50%... and this was with some strategy. So yes the whole preparation thing still applies! (though I would have gotten my GTB much later since it would have been alot slower)
So it took me a year and a half to get the GTB (and this was with a bit of a boost ~ I believe I got about 67 tokens this christmas)
I love my team, but I wished getting the GTB was'nt this hard. I would like to both keep the team and the GTB. And yeah baby. I did it, my way ;) with a little help from the Christmas event =P
Happy Hunting people! And don't give up!
Labels: casual, MH, MouseHunt, ranking, tournaments
Hi! I dont really understand how anchor works and why stay in low level place like the meadow? Please explain more about what being an anchor means
Hi David,
two points:
1) Why stay in the meadow.
This is not relevant with today's tournaments as there is'nt an "amplifier" factor. Back in the original take on tournaments, there was an amplifier effect. How it works is that so long as you do not FTC or FTA completely for the hour, your amplifier will +1 (up to 4). So say you catch a 20 point mouse, you actually get 80 points if your amplier is at 4. If you are inactive for an hour period however, your amplifier factor drops back to 0 or 1 (if its zero they do not multiply it). This aspect of the old tournaments rewarded teams with more "endurance", as someone must horn and catch something at least once per hour. That is also the reason for having the anchor in a low level area like the meadows, the idea is to ensure a successful hunt.
2)What is an anchor? If you are lucky enough to have extremely active hunters then you don't really have a problem, all your teammates are anchors. However if your team is not so active, the anchor is the guy/gal who keeps horning every 15 mins, while everyone only logs in once per hour. It is sad yes =) The anchor was especially important in the old take of the tournaments as the lack of an anchor often means leading teams get taken over by teams that were able to maintain the amplifier (the maintenance of which is through our very hardworking anchor, or group of anchors)
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