MythMonger - Tea Troll Area (Magic Based Perspective)
For the area in MythMonger...
my strategy for the Tea Troll portion is as follows:
Use Silencer for everything =P
seriously. Essentially there are two water trolls and 1 wood troll
I am at the moment Magic aligned. So my best Magic card is a Water based card.
Only the Wood Troll has a chance to over come (but it is also the weakest???? not sure... but I caught it first)
The other two are water based, so they break even and if you look closely the Lummoxes actually have a chance at being stronger against Earth and weaker against water... so its not all stacked against you!
Granted with a Earth based card, you will have consistent elemental dominance. But
1) It will shift you towards technology since it is a tech card
2) The is a chance of a +20 against you (Lummox)
Labels: MythMonger, Tea Troll
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