A Magical Huffalump Resides Here: Season Two Treasure Chests

A Magical Huffalump Resides Here

My name is Ed, I am a programmer. Just another dude with another blog. I like MTG, Open Source (more towards FREE software). I like sports, and eventually I hope to do business and do good for the world in general. This blog is gonna be about Magic The Gathering. Decklists and snippets will be posted here. It may lead somewhere or nowhere, as with all things arcane, that was bloody obvious =)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Season Two Treasure Chests

Now probably everyone is uptight about the new "Limit Edition" trap.

What it is:


And Importantly. Your scrolls still work! Its just that season one chests no longer drop. Season one chests that were not open will still have a chance to open the old L.E. trap (Ancient Gauntlet).

All scrolls you currently have,upon completion will drop the new chests, which have a chance to open the new L.E. trap. =)

It is a special trap for the Zug Zwang Tower (one of my favourite spots =))

Other resources:



[20140707 21:17]

I finally got it here!

[20150706 00:01]

It just occured to me that never took a mugshot of my dear Chesla....

well here it is...

Happy Hunting ppl!

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