A Magical Huffalump Resides Here: Commander? Boycott it

A Magical Huffalump Resides Here

My name is Ed, I am a programmer. Just another dude with another blog. I like MTG, Open Source (more towards FREE software). I like sports, and eventually I hope to do business and do good for the world in general. This blog is gonna be about Magic The Gathering. Decklists and snippets will be posted here. It may lead somewhere or nowhere, as with all things arcane, that was bloody obvious =)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Commander? Boycott it

Seriously, thats the message today.

If your local gaming shop is price gouging you a la Modern Masters, EVEN THOUGH THE COMMANDER 2013 is NON LIMITED.


Seriously there is no excuse. And they are hitting the casual players, the bunnies in the dog eat dog world of competitive magic.

Come on WOTC, do something about the incessant price gouging that keeps persisting. CUT OFF goods from delinquent retailers. If you need feedback just ask, there are hordes of players in Singapore. If you ignore feedback then, whoever reads this:

Please boycott the product if your LGS is price gouging you. The only way to make them listen is to speak with your dollar. And the best part is, this is EDH. Nothing is a necessity. It is safe to just avoid the damned thing ;)

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